How to forgive yourself – for your regrets

Forgive yourself | blog

A walk through time

“If you need to hear it, then this is for you: forgive yourself for your regrets. you have grown since then, changed since then, and learned from your mistakes. you’re not the same person anymore, so here is your signal. it’s time to let the pain go.”

taken from

I am talking to YOU. Yes, I am talking about YOU.

Listen to me very carefully!

Maybe the reason why you CARE so much, is deep down you want someone to care for you just this much. Maybe the reason you are GIVING, is deeper down you know how it feels like to lack. May be you keep on trying to make someone feel SPECIAL as through all your relationships no one has ever tried to make that effort. May be the reason you LOVE someone so selflessly and prioritize them before yourself as somewhere you want to make it to at least their priority list.

And, so that, deep deep down, you get to at least prove to yourself that such pure love can actually exist in the world you have known to be loveless so far.

But be very careful!

While keeping up to your commitment, don't turn into a person who struggles to draw boundaries and for whom the word “no” is an act of betrayal. Do not give so much more than you actually have, that you reach a point of resentment. Do not disrupt your own value system for someone else's conditional love that depends on their own convenience.
And definitely not someone, who burns themselves to keep others warm. 

No one cares!
No one cares about what you need, about how you feel. or if you are hurting.

It’s you, who has to hold your own hand, take a deep breath and tell yourself “everything is going to be fine”.

For your own sake, let them be wrong about you. No one has given you the job of convincing others who are committed to misunderstand you or are not willing to assume the best in you.

Let then be wrong about you or about who you are!

Trust me, it doesn’t matter!

They will be gone. In fact they are not here even at this point while you are reading this or when you crumple at that corner of your bed in the middle of the night. They are not there when you fight all those thoughts that give you sleepless nights or makes you feel lonely amidst the crowd around you.

To them, your tears are boring, your emotions are complications.

Check, there must be a self within you viscerally rejecting what you just read above. That’s the part that will want to continue to fight tooth & nail for their validation.

Please be gentle to that part of you. It has been through a lot and is trying to protect you.

This is for the highly sensitive ones like me, the over-givers and the ones recovering from grief of loss. It’s time to draw energetic boundaries around you and learn the tools of safeguarding yourself while interacting with others.

Get out of this toxicity. You deserve better!

It’s time to be the NEW YOU!

Featured image taken from Insta page of naranjalidad (

5 responses to “How to forgive yourself – for your regrets”

  1. Abhishek Basu Avatar
    Abhishek Basu


    1. Kolkata Scribbles Avatar

      Thank you for your love. Stay connected.

  2. samo Avatar

    Thank you for your blog post. Your article was able to get me up and running.

    1. Kolkata Scribbles Avatar

      Thank you so much for your love. It’s good to know we have each other’s back. Please stay connected for more conversation and transfer of good energies between us.
      Please share with your friends and family whom you think might some more positive vibe in their lives. Lots of love.

  3. Avatar

    A motivating discussion is worth comment. I think that you should write more about this subject, it might not be a taboo matter but generally people do not speak about such topics. To the next! Many thanks!!

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