Welcome to the hilarious underwater life – Pet an amazing fish

A walk through time

Let’s swim with the fishes!

Well, let me tell you first, I am also a beginner in the whole scenario of becoming a fish-mom (as they call it).

If you are working and alone, and you can’t afford to have a pet dog or even a cat due to your horrible office hours, fishes are here at your rescue! Whether you’re a seasoned fish owner or a first-time pet parent, there’s always something new to learn about these amazing creatures.

This is my Mr. Woogly! Convict Chiclid as they call him – is super friendly and a born poser!

Ah, the world of fishes – full of bright colors, wiggly tails, and hilarious quirks. If you’ve ever spent time observing these underwater creatures, you know that they are full of surprises.

From their goofy facial expressions to their awkward swimming styles, fishes are a never-ending source of entertainment. Our aquatic friends are undoubtedly the funniest!

Fish are super funny creatures that have become increasingly popular as pets. They may not have the same affectionate personalities as dogs or cats, but they certainly have their own quirks that make them great pets. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the funny and feasible aspects of having fish as pets.

First off, let’s talk about their little bubbles. Fish have an innate ability to blow bubbles, and it’s pretty entertaining to watch. They’ll blow them out of their mouths, and sometimes it looks like they’re trying to tell you something. Are they trying to communicate? Who knows, but it’s definitely amusing to watch.

In this regard, let me give you a small piece of information! If you find your bettafish (fighter fish) creating bubbles in some part of the tank, no worries! It’s rather a good sign. It’s a way they are thanking you for the new house – they quite like it! Also, it’s a warning for you not to try take over his space!

Kolkata Scribbles | pet a fish blog
This is my Mr. Woogly! Bettafish as they call him – is super friendly and a bit camera -shy as I am too!

Next up, let’s discuss their eating habits. It’s no secret that fish eat, well, other fish. But did you know that they’re also pretty big fans of algae and worms? Watching them nibble on the green stuff is pretty hilarious, especially when they start going at it like they haven’t eaten in weeks. They also tend to get pretty excited when it’s feeding time, darting around the tank and eagerly gobbling up their food.

But they are quite adjustable too if you don’t want such clumsiness at your place – you can very much buy packaged fish food and they happily dance around in exchange of the delicious meals!

Fish also have a knack for getting themselves into trouble. They can be pretty clumsy creatures, and it’s not uncommon to see them get stuck in decorations or accidentally jump out of the tank (specially small ones). It’s important to make sure that your aquarium is properly set up and that you have a lid to prevent any escape attempts.

Despite their clumsiness, fish are actually pretty intelligent creatures. They have good memories and can even learn to recognize their owners. Some fish will even swim up to the glass when they see their owners approaching, eager for attention and food. Well my fish plays with me too !

About their facial expressions? Or, rather, their lack thereof? It’s pretty funny to stare at a fish for a while, waiting for them to make a facial expression. Spoiler alert: they won’t. They just have this blank stare, like they’re always deep in thought, though some has a smiling face too (like my cichlid)!

One of the funniest things about fish is their social interactions. Some fish are downright bullies, chasing their tankmates around and nipping at their fins. Others are more social, swimming in schools and engaging in intricate dance routines. Watching a group of fish interact can be like watching a mini soap opera, with drama and comedy unfolding before your eyes.

Have you ever seen a fish sleeping? It’s hilarious! They just kind of float there, not moving, with their eyes wide open. It’s like they’re playing a game of “who can be the best at pretending to be dead”! Just be a bit careful with turning on lights or making loud sounds or waking them up suddenly in other ways – this can stress them out!

Some fishes have serious attitude! Take the pufferfish, for example. This little guy may look cute, but if he feels threatened, he’ll puff up like a balloon and become almost impossible to swallow. We can’t help but admire the spunk of a fish that refuses to be eaten.

Fishes have their own dating scene too! Believe it or not, fishes have their own courting rituals. Some species will dance with each other to show off their moves, while others will change colors or make clicking sounds to attract a mate. It’s like watching a fishy version of “The Bachelor.”

Kolkata Scribbles | pet a fish blog
Red cap goldfish

Fun facts about fish pets:

  1. Fish can recognize their owners: Contrary to popular belief, fish are not brainless creatures. In fact, studies have shown that some fish, such as goldfish, flowerhorn, few cichlids have a remarkable ability to recognize their owners and even swim to them when called.
  2. Fish can be trained: Believe it or not, fish can be trained to perform simple tricks, such as swimming through hoops or jumping out of the water to grab food. With patience and persistence, you can teach your fish some cool tricks. They can even be trained to play hide & seek! Trust me, playing with your pet fish is the best stressbuster you can find!
  3. Fish have their own personalities: Just like dogs and cats, fish have their own unique personalities. Some fish are shy and introverted, while others are outgoing and playful. By spending time with your fish, you can learn more about their individual personalities. (Mine is a narcissist and a poser!)
  4. Fish can be great stressbusters: Watching fish swim in a tank can be incredibly calming and relaxing. Many people find that keeping fish as pets helps to reduce stress and anxiety.
  5. Fish can be social creatures: Some fish species prefer to live in schools. By keeping multiple fish in your aquarium, you can create a social environment that allows your fish to thrive. While few, like bettafish, flowerhorn do not prefer sharing their home with anyone else. It can be hazardous to the other fishes staying with them.
Here are some easy tips to maintain fish pets:
  • Keep the tank clean: Regular tank maintenance is essential to keep your fish healthy. This includes removing any uneaten food and debris from the tank, changing the water regularly, and cleaning the tank and accessories as needed. Do not drain the entire water! Drain 50 – 65% of the existing water, clean the bottom with suction pipe and refill.
  • Feed your fish the right amount: Overfeeding your fish can lead to health problems, such as obesity and poor water quality. Avoid giving them too much food. Fishes like betta, swordtail, guppy etc. can even live without eating for a day or two.
  • Provide the right environment: Different fish species have different environmental needs, such as water temperature, pH levels, and lighting. Research your fish species and make sure you are providing the right environment for them to thrive.
  • Monitor your fish’s health: Keep an eye on your fish’s behavior and appearance. If you notice any signs of illness, such as loss of appetite, lethargy, or discoloration, take action immediately. Consult a veterinarian or a knowledgeable fish store employee if you need advice.
  • Keep the tank free from toxic chemicals: Avoid using chemicals in or near the tank that can be toxic to your fish, such as cleaning products or pesticides. These can harm your fish and disrupt the delicate balance of the tank environment.
Cleaning tanks make the fishes happy!

All in all, fish are pretty quirky pets. Fish as pets may not be the most cuddly or interactive animals, but they certainly provide us with plenty of laughs. Whether it’s their blank stares, weird sleeping habits, playfulness or messy eating, there’s always something amusing to observe. So, if you’re looking for a low-maintenance pet that will make you chuckle every once in a while, consider getting some fish – they won’t disappoint!

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